Clarity5 NOW for Coaching

What is CLARITY5?

CLARITY5 (originally The PaperRoom™) is a unique coaching process that utilizes large (flip-chart sized) to help clients visualize their life experiences.

CLARITY5 is now is based on The Results System™.*

CLARITY5 is designed to dig deep into the big factors that affect change – Goals, Origins, Peak Experiences, Core Needs, and Work Patterns. Its’ impact is visual, experiential, immediate. The pre-hung grey and white panels literally wrap around two walls of the room – yes – that’s why it was called ‘a PaperRoom’.

If you are interested in learning more,  the CLARITY5 / The Results System™ Technical Paper is available here.

CLARITY5 Features:

  • Data Gathering on 5 Key Dimensions: GOALS, VALUES, ORIGINS, CORE NEEDS, and WORK PATTERNS using the Results Accelerator™.
  • Charting, Recording and Debriefing on your Results System™.
  • Incorporates data from up to 5 assessments, including the MBTI®, the Pearman™ Personality Integrator, StrengthsFinder, DISC®, EDGE 360◦, Enneagram and Firo-B.
  • Includes Strategies and Action Items for implementation.
  • Three-month and six-month Follow-on Coaching Packages ensure application of new insights and successful completion on action items.

Twelve years facilitating this process have shown us that
the number #1 driver – and takeaway – is CLARITY.


5 Steps to Clarity

When you enter TaylorTrain’s CLARITY5 NOW room at Suite 10, you’ll be led through 5 major steps that make up the CLARITY5 NOW process.

1-40READY to begin the process


You begin by providing ‘General Information’ that will let us know your needs and desires in this discovery process. We will listen and ask clarifying questions. Then together, we will talk about the Results System™ model, which shows how you typically go about getting the results you see every day. It will show us what you have to learn, and how working with your personal Results System can speed up your progress.


Get SET for what’s Visible

SET. You’ll see the many factors which play into the act of choice. You also begin to learn how many of your habits, assumptions, and perceptions can be invisible to you. Conversation about your visible side, and how to make what’s invisible more visible, will give you more motivation and clarity.

You begin to grasp the concept of operating on a more visible level. Some questions emerge. You wonder what new insights await. But you’ve got one more model to consider…


LEARN Life’s 4 stage Framework

LEARN. Self-awareness deepens when we present you with life’s four quarters, and you find where you are in the quadrants.

Speaking of new awareness, you may be an early 20-something – whose employer sees you as a high potential and pushes you quickly through their development pipeline.

Are you in the second Building quarter (ages 25-50), busily trying to build your career, family, reputation, and home?

Or have you moved beyond the ‘suck it up’ stage to the place where you must fulfill on who you know yourself to be? You may have landed squarely into the third quarter (ages 50-75) of shifting priorities and new awareness.

Perhaps, the Historian fourth quadrant better describes your focus ~ where your lifework is in telling the story and ensuring others hear and know.

4-40Time to GROW

Now that you understand the framework, you’ll be ready to dive in. Somehow your seasoned coach has convinced you that you WILL have answers to all the questions that will be posed. Perhaps those panels will fill up with your words, as promised. Perhaps you will find clarity, or peace, or the confidence you seek as you move forward. All systems ready – we are set to GROW!

Where are you growing? You’ll create a word picture with your coach that reflects your goals TWENTY years from now. It’s quite an assignment when you first hear about it – but it flows and goes once you get into it.

You make your list. You talk about where you want to be and with whom. You may speak alternately of unfulfilled dreams and life-giving haunts that MUST be in your life going forward. Until you are satisfied that the picture is complete and compelling, you keep working.

Where are you going? Short term goals follow, and the methodology changes. It’s time to get specific, time-bound. You list goals that have tripped you up, but ones that YOU really want to see happen. It is not about what others in your life want you to do – it’s just about you NOW.

You make your list. You talk about where you want to be and with whom. You may speak alternately of unfulfilled dreams and life-giving haunts that MUST be in your life going forward. Until you are satisfied that the picture is complete and compelling, you keep working.

Where are you going? Short term goals follow, and the methodology changes. It’s time to get specific, time-bound. You list goals that have tripped you up, but ones that YOU really want to see happen. It is not about what others in your life want you to do – it’s just about you NOW.

5-40 How about NOW?

NOW. It’s another CLARITY5 NOW exercise that asks you to record what you want right now, today, from this process – and in this experience. A few words come out. They are always, thankfully, the right words.

Direction. Clarity. Confidence. Before you know it, you have just completed the NOW piece.

NOW the Results System™ process unfolds in a client-honoring way as you work through all the panels – Origins, Top Ten Experiences, Core Needs and Work Patterns. Each has its own rhythm, task and meaning. The work may be driven by personal quest, performance gaps, or transition issues. No matter. The proven process stands ready to help you set sail.



CLARITY5 NOW (also called The Results System in academic papers) began it’s life as The PaperRoom™, which is the original name given to systematic coaching process developed by Sydney Rice, President and Founder of the Boston Coaching Company.  After a dozen years of working with the PaperRoom™ process, we’ve seen significant results with individuals and organizations seeking clarity and change.

The PaperRoom™ is the original name given to a our favorite 5-step process for individual and group coaching. CLARITY5 NOW is the name TaylorTrain has given to this work. The product is formally called the Results Accelerator by ThoughtAction,  the company who how licenses it along with their suite of products called The Results System. Only four master practitioners are licensed to use this tool in the US.

Marilyn Taylor is currently the ONLY practitioner licensed to teach this system to other coaches.

Clarity is achieved because we provide a winning combination of three key factors: expert facilitation, the experience of the CLARITY5 process, and our unique physical setting. Here in its own special suite in Piedmont NC, lined panels await your data to populate them.

© Copyright 2016 - TaylorTrain | Design by Sinclair Loeffler Communications